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A serious cause for concern is when your child experiences hair loss. As a parent, you want a healthy, happy child and when you see their hair falling out, you want to do everything you can. Just imagine how your child must feel to not only see their hair falling out, but your reaction and lack of answers as to why this is happening.
A devastating condition for children and youth, the hair loss they experience can cause adverse effects to their self-esteem and confidence around their peers. Hair Prosthesis Centre has a variety of good-quality children’s and youth wigs and partial pieces in stock for your child.
Our partial pieces clip into your child’s existing hair to add volume, fullness and cover any patches. Full wigs offer the ease and convenience of covering your child’s entire head after significant hair loss. Your child can choose to match their hair color, or completely go for a new look as we carry wigs with a variety of colours, lengths, parts, coverage and more.
At Hair Prosthesis Centre in Barrie, we have had many young clients come in and browse through our selection of children and youth wigs. Our professionally trained staff know how to care for your child and will do everything they can to make them smile again. Call Hair Prosthesis Centre in Barrie for help with your child’s hair loss and to book a free consultation to help us determine what piece is best for your child.