Why We Love to Wear Wigs

Why We Love to Wear Wigs

Why We Love to Wear Wigs

For us and many others, wigs are more than just another accessory or “fashion piece”—many people will wear a wig for a variety of personal reasons, while others like to don one just because they have chosen to.

People want to wear wigs for many different reasons, and we’re highlighting the top six here.


If you know someone who favours wearing wigs, they likely have more than one.  

The options are endless when it comes to wig selection since they come in every length, style, cut and colour imaginable. Feeling serious? Maybe you want to wear your short bob. 

Heading out to dinner? You can easily switch it up to a long luscious look. 

Wigs allow you the chance to wear the hair you’ve always wanted. 

Take a look at our online shop! Our owner and wig lady, Crystal models many of the pieces we have in-stock (one woman, many looks) and at last count she personally has 42. That’s right 42!



Do you spend hours styling your straight hair with some beach waves, only to have them completely straighten after a couple hours?

Do you spend a lot of time straightening your curls, only to realize you’re stuck in the rain and your hair becomes frizzy and curly again?

Do you worry about the wind causing your carefully kept hairstyle to get ruined?

Not with a wig! Synthetic wigs are able to keep their style, no matter the weather. 

Wondering how you keep your wig looking great? We have an entire line of care products designed specifically for your wig.




It takes us A LOT of time to get our hair the way we like it—just check out TikTok! There are so many life hacks out there, but many of them don’t really produce that salon-quality look we’re always after. 

Or maybe you just don’t have the time or patience to work at it? Maybe it is that you go to the salon to get your hair set once a month; maybe you get a blowout every 6 weeks? What about your highlights, how often and how much?

What if you wake up late for work one morning, or you’ve been invited out for a last minute dinner or drink? Wigs and hairpieces make getting ready easy and cost effective. 

You’re saving yourself hours of styling time and hundreds of dollars on salon visits and costs when you wear wigs, as well. Some people even have everyday wigs and special occasion wigs, because it’s so much easier to change your wig than to go to the salon to cut, colour, treat and style your own hair.


Everything you do to your hair—colouring, straightening, curling, blow drying, applying certain hair products—can lead to damage, weakened roots or thinning hair strands. Harsh climates can also cause dry, brittle hair. 

Contrary to popular belief, wigs do not impact hair growth; however, when you wear a wig, you’re giving your natural hair a break from all of the above. Without the constant processing, wigs can be the break that your hair needs to get healthy.

For more information on how a wig’s construction can allow you to grow healthier hair can be found on our website.



Many men and women will experience hair loss in their lives due to a variety of factors, whether it’s: genetic like balding; medical like alopecia, or from cancer treatments; or biological like stress, or aging. Hair loss or hair thinning concerns don’t discriminate and can affect anyone young, old, man or woman.

There are many options for temporary or permanent hair loss and thinning available at Wig Boutique; and depending on your hair and scalp’s overall health, we have:

  • Hair extensions to add length
  • Toppers that add volume
  • Or full wigs and hair pieces for coverage that ranges from partial to full

For more information about causes of hair loss and thinning, please see our website.



The number one reason most people will wear a wig is to improve their confidence. No matter what age you are, nothing is more worrying or shocking than seeing large clumps of hair fall out, or bald patches on your scalp as they become more and more visible. 

Not everyone is comfortable going out without feeling self-conscious. Wigs and hair pieces provide that boost of confidence allowing people to look and feel like themselves again.  

Our Hair Care Staff are compassionate and understanding trained professionals in the hair loss industry and we are here to help you feel confident again. 

Please contact us if you’d like to book your consultation with us today.


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